Thursday, 27 November 2014

Our DIY Kitchen Changes

Having hubby home makes for a great opportunity to tackle house projects I dream up. Honestly, I try not to even try doing big projects through the week. It just puts too much pressure on my family as I get so engrossed in a project, and then neglect to care for my family properly. (Poor kids and hubby!) It's happened before. And it really messes up our week. So I've settled to patiently waiting for my fun when hubby's home for those extra pair of (manly) hands to help!

The last project I was excited to tackle was some renovations on my kitchen. We're renting at the moment, so that eliminated the big change possibilities. Plus we're on a budget, I couldn't go on an all out renovation splurge. But I knew that our kitchen was running very inefficiently with things out of order and I was forever doing unnecessary cleaning (food covered chairs anyone!?).

I stayed up late the night before 'my day' clicking away on Pinterest for ideas and designs and colours I liked and would go well in our current kitchen. Not something I do too often, and it was a lot of fun!

This is what I had to work with:

Oh, and my pantry was a terrible mess. I found it very stressful every time I tried to find something through the week while caring for my babies!
This was my plastics, pots, cups and plates cupboard (not the most dreadful it's been in my life, I've been culling for a long time now!)
We've had this table for a long time, and now with two toddlers it's not the most practical for everyday use. With its cream material chair cushions and chair backs constantly having to be wiped down from food covered little hands.
I hunted on gumtree for a new table or island bench. All too pricey or non-existent locally.
And so, came up with this ingenious idea!
My clever hubby chopped the backs off the chairs for me, and did all the hard work of sanding the chair bases and table back for a real rustic look. While I ducked to Spotlight and bought a good priced sturdy, waterproof material to re-cover the cushions.
And for $30 odd - I LOVE the new look!!! It's like an island bench table with mini functional stools!

My other splurges were a couple of bright tea towels, a couple of jars and a few herb jars, two new mixing bowls and a salad bowl that I LOVE and find it a pleasure to use. A new set of mugs and some sturdy drinking tumblers (no more broken glasses!). The rest was all hard work and organisation.
My organised cupboard. It's so much more functional. The plastics, culled down to mostly glass containers, moved to their own little sectioned area in the under-sink cupboard. I got rid of an old pot and pan and now just have two pans and three different sized pots. That works for us. It's so nice to work with things that we enjoy using.
My pantry. I LOVE it now. I know where everything is. I got rid of any food that was out of date or that we don't eat and had been sitting there for a very long time. I also put some foods in jars instead of bags, much easier to use and find. And because everything has it's place and I've told our household members where everything goes, it's been a week and it still looks this tidy! I'm thrilled. Little things excite me these days ;).

I've only kept out the appliances that I use daily.

And voila, The end result!
I love that I can wipe down the table and seat covers quickly without scrubbing, much more efficient. And everything having its own place makes keeping things tidy a lot easier. My kitchen still gets messy. But I've found that I enjoy cleaning it, it's satisfying keeping things you love nice. And on the days that I don't have time, that's okay too :-).


Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Peace For A Mummy

I've been learning that even amidst my (at times) messy life, I can have peace.

For a long time I've been trying to change my environment in hopes to make my life easier, less stressful. To be on top of routines, decluttering, better sleep and good diet and lifestyle so that I can rest and know that I'm doing a good job.

All those things are great, and they give me a real boost when I get them right.

But I've been learning that it's okay when they're not right too. My environment, kids, dramas, and life shouldn't gauge whether I'm able to be at rest. I shouldn't have to have my house perfect, kids happy, jobs done, amazing life, proper sleep and everything the way I want, in order to be at peace.

No. Not at all.

I can have the peace from God, the peace that passes all understanding, always. Through everything.

Today, I was picking up a few bits and pieces and doing a general tidy throughout my home while my two children slept peacefully. I then proceeded to sweep our tiled bathroom floor (note, avoid having a white tiled bathroom floor if at all possible!) when I had the thought come to my mind that I hadn't spent time with God in this moment of quiet. I thought to myself that I would just sweep and then I would make that time with God happen.

Then it came to me that perhaps I was being a 'Martha'. [see Luke 10:38-42 for the story].

Cleaning, cooking, making things perfect, all the while my Jesus is waiting, yearning to share with me those Words of blessed hope that will give me peace. Peace that will continue with me even after my two children wake up and this moment of quiet is a memory. Peace that will calm my soul, even when my household world and my life is perhaps going a little crazy.

So today, I'm choosing to look to Him. Through my failings and mess. Through all that stuff that just happens and threatens to choke me with insecurity and a need for perfection. And you know what? He promises that all that perfect stuff will happen - but we don't need to worry about it. We just seek Him, and be at peace.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

You Aren't Alone

I want to send a big hug to all the mumma's out there. Not just for you. For me too.

One of my best, dear friends and mummy encouraged me this morning. She said 'Oh huni, I feel the same as you'. And you know what? That made me feel so much better. 

This is me right now.

I'm struggling with feeling like I'm good enough. I don't seem to be able to get my head together enough to create a structured day/week for my family. My kids and hubby don't get planned meals. I want to, and sometimes I get it together, but it doesn't happen every day - sometimes every week. And our night time routine is messy. Very messy. Bed times don't really happen all proper either.

My house feels like it's blah. I feel I need to get a job to just be able to afford things to make my house look beautiful and pinterest worthy. . . because I am so sure that that will make me happy. Happy to be home with my kids in my beautiful house. I'm sure I'll be always smiling then.

I have so many books that I've started. Books that will make my life better, marriage happier and motherhood much more structured. I try and read them - but I get through a page or two and I've either go to re read those sections, or put the book down because I've remembered something I've got to do. OR I get interrupted. or space out. My brain just isn't computing.

I'm so pumped to eat real healthy. You know, clean eating, gluten free, lots of greens. . . . And I do try. But sometimes bread is just easier. Especially with kids. And sometimes all I really want is noodles. And sometimes I like to just feel satisfied - and eat a big plate. Bigger than a half cup serving of rice. Try three cups. Sometimes more. And then some nights I still enjoy dessert. Because that's my second stomach. The one that's empty after having a full tummy of mains. Sometimes I wake up with a food (or baby?!) hangover.

I have good intentions to wake up and read my Bible. Yesterday I wrote down a schedule. 6am I'm to 'Bible'.  I woke up a little after 5. (I didn't wake up. Baby did. Baby woke me up). And I lay there. Spaced out. Hubby woke up and wanted to chat. 6am came. Maybe 10 minutes later I got out my Bible and held it. And then proceeded to read a book about telling myself the truth instead. . . because I was dealing with feeling obligated to do things for people instead wanting to. I didn't read my Bible. I'll probably not be the best Christian today :(.

I yell. I say bad words. I get so upset at myself I take it out on those I love most. Not all the time, but I hate myself when I do.

I compare myself to the gorgeous hot friends I stalk on internet media. Their lives are so perfect - can't you see? They're so happy, getting out and doing things, buying cool things, eating amazingly healthy things, they have flat stomachs and glowing faces. Wish I could do my makeup like they do.

Sometimes I feel alone. Like I'm the only one going through hard stuff. No one would really understand, and if they knew. They'd think I was weird. I better just not say anything.

But you know what. Sometimes I think it's better to say something. Sometime you just need to share. And sometimes you just need a hug.

Here's a hug for you. I don't know the details of the things you deal with. But maybe the hug I'm giving you, is a little for me too.

Here is a little encouragement that has boosted me to the sky this morning:
Please read it. And know that God is right here. Hugging you, hugging me. And reminding us that we don't need to look around us to see how to live. We need to live for Him.

From my heart to yours this morning, hugs xo

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Be The Best You

Do you ever get to breaking point? Sometimes our brains get so boggled with life and pressures we're not thinking straight. When that happens it's time to sit back and revaluate what you need to not get to that point.

I've come to breaking point today - I'm tired, I'm a little stressed, and a little pushed. At least I feel like I am. So I've sat down with a camomile & hint of lemon tea and evaluated my situation.

I need to connect with God. I need a sleep. I need to not be so hard on myself.

In the mean time I'm going to love on my kids and their needs, love my hubby and explain to him my needs directly, and love on myself. I need to make sure my physical and nutritional needs are being met so that my body can cope with daily demands and I need to make sure I'm believing by faith that Jesus loves me as I am. And it's okay to be frazzled, it's okay to not be perfect. Really.

God loves you and so do I. What do you need to do right now to be the best you?

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Give A Mum Some Grace

Okay. So why does it seem like most mornings I wake up and feel like I have to gather my inner troupes to face the day? Like I need to take a big, deep breath in the morning, run into the whirlwind of the day, and collapse back in bed at night barely remembering what just happened (oh, and throw in a few wake ups through the night too!)

This morning, I woke up refreshed (slightly!), squeezed in some exercise while hubby was still home to watch the kiddies and felt great. My head was clear. I patiently took over from hubby getting our two year old to eat her breakfast. I did repeated planes, trains, dolphins, fish and even a lion spoon to get that food into her mouth! I was so proud of myself, what a good mum! I then cleaned her up (showered, she kind of wore her breakfast) and put my 8 month old to sleep. Good day so far. Big pat on my back.

I got Miss two settled watching a kids show, and then raced around to try and undo the tornado that had seemed to come through every room of our house overnight and that morning [I have GOT to get rid of more stuff!]. Miss two didn't last long... she was soon following me, chattering, 'helping' and pulling out more stuff. God please help me! Miss 8 months woke up next. Teething too I think.  . . the rest of my morning is a bit of a blur...crying kids, food messes and spills, children undressing themselves, pains and aches to kiss, sooking, stories to read, favourite toys to find, an attempt at a nutritious breakfast for myself, nappies changed, washing, hubby phone calls, cleaning and then nap times....oh my. I don't think I've covered half of it and I officially think I've lost my sanity for the day!

But, not so.

I am in fact, sane. Because deep down I know that I love this. I know that this is amazing. This is incredible. God picked me to be a mum to these gorgeous, crazy kids. And I love it.

I may not always feel like I'm this super model, super mum. I mightn't always have my schedules right, or meal times down pat. I might mess up, growl and get grumpy. I might sometimes look a little bleary eyed over at someone else who seems to have it together. I mightn't get the couple time with my hubby that I want. Some days will be amazing, some, not as much. But it's okay. I'm choosing to give myself grace today, just as Christ does for me. He loves me as I am. Covered in baby goop, mess and all. And I need to love me too.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Cuddles and Stitch ~ Lovin' with a bit of work thrown in!

YES! I'm back online! I've been busting to share and connect with you all again.

Cuddles and Stitch means a lot to me. It's about being a mum and wife and child of God when there seems to be no time to stay sane. I want to love on my family and friends and look after my body. I want to still enjoy living all the while a whole bunch of life seems to be choking the individuality out of me. I want to live life to the full and have fun and laugh every day. I want to eat healthy and live to glorify God. I want to only care for the things that matter, not for what the world keeps throwing at me. (Oh, and I want to declutter my house!!) Wanna join!?

Cuddles is the love part, stitch is the work. Let's do this!

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