Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Peace For A Mummy

I've been learning that even amidst my (at times) messy life, I can have peace.

For a long time I've been trying to change my environment in hopes to make my life easier, less stressful. To be on top of routines, decluttering, better sleep and good diet and lifestyle so that I can rest and know that I'm doing a good job.

All those things are great, and they give me a real boost when I get them right.

But I've been learning that it's okay when they're not right too. My environment, kids, dramas, and life shouldn't gauge whether I'm able to be at rest. I shouldn't have to have my house perfect, kids happy, jobs done, amazing life, proper sleep and everything the way I want, in order to be at peace.

No. Not at all.

I can have the peace from God, the peace that passes all understanding, always. Through everything.

Today, I was picking up a few bits and pieces and doing a general tidy throughout my home while my two children slept peacefully. I then proceeded to sweep our tiled bathroom floor (note, avoid having a white tiled bathroom floor if at all possible!) when I had the thought come to my mind that I hadn't spent time with God in this moment of quiet. I thought to myself that I would just sweep and then I would make that time with God happen.

Then it came to me that perhaps I was being a 'Martha'. [see Luke 10:38-42 for the story].

Cleaning, cooking, making things perfect, all the while my Jesus is waiting, yearning to share with me those Words of blessed hope that will give me peace. Peace that will continue with me even after my two children wake up and this moment of quiet is a memory. Peace that will calm my soul, even when my household world and my life is perhaps going a little crazy.

So today, I'm choosing to look to Him. Through my failings and mess. Through all that stuff that just happens and threatens to choke me with insecurity and a need for perfection. And you know what? He promises that all that perfect stuff will happen - but we don't need to worry about it. We just seek Him, and be at peace.

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